Can’t find an off-the-shelf solution
to help run your business?
Help is on the way.

Tech-to-English translation a specialty.
Call: 323.977.8958 or email Bill.



Database design

A database is just a fancy word for a bunch of information. The cool part is that when it’s designed and built well, it can save you lots of time and money.


I ask you a bunch of questions. That prompts you to think about your business in ways you might not have considered. Ideas bloom.

Quick Lesson:

What are the Two Biggest Mistakes a Software Developer Can Make?

1. Not listening to the customer.

Too many software people think they understand their clients’ business better than the client. That’s just arrogance.

2. listening to the customer.

You hire us because we know what we’re doing. Sometimes that means saying “no” to your ideas.


Saying “We” is supposed to make it seem like there’s more than just me. Well, there isn’t.

WHO am I? I’m bill krauss.

I could go on and on and on…

This is the place where I’m supposed to spend a lot of time showing every little thing I do that makes me better than the competition. But the hard sell just isn’t my thing.

There are lots of smart people out there, right? No doubt some of them would work better with you than with me. It’s all a question of complementary communication styles.

So, why work with me? Maybe because you want someone who understands business and technology, someone who listens and absorbs and ultimately understands what you’re trying to accomplish. 

Someone who won’t jerk you around.

Ask good questions

Actually Listen to the answers

Use answers to create more questions

Listen to [those] answers

Design solutions


None of these people were paid to say such lovely things about me. I swear.

Bill is not only a talented and creative developer across several platforms, but more important is his ability to clearly define a project and to set clear expectations for stakeholders. On more than one occasion I have seen Bill take on projects that had foundered and turn them around by providing clear product definition, outlining simple goals that could be  understood and accepted by stakeholders and finally, delivering an innovative solution within budget and timeline. Bill is our “go-to” resource for development projects.

John Lawrence, Media Services Systems Consulting

Bill is a genius in creating extremely complicated systems that work seamlessly with each other. He has a great attitude and listens to the needs of the company and offers both creative and technological solutions that significantly improve workflow, efficiency, and accuracy with incredible attention to detail.

Jonathan Parks, Alibi Music

BIll has always been a smart, resourceful, methodical, all around ‘good to have on the team’ sort of guy. He has innate problem solving skills and is wonderfully patient working with others: meeting them on their level, regardless of how technically adroit they might be. 

Dawn Scribner,

Neil Tanner Telemprompters

Bill is a delight. He has the ability to get to the core of an issue, technically or otherwise. He is very experienced in many technologies, which allows him to view a project from all dimensions and most importantly with the agnostic view of a true developer. He is smart, creative and always learning new things. Bill is good people!

Simms Brooks, Synoptek